Twill fabrics canvas tool bag
大工道具などの職人の仕事袋を作り続けている 三条・「五十嵐工布」にて製作していただいたツールバック。
綾織(あやおり)で織り上げた帆布生地は より強度があるうえ、長年培われた縫製技術で 作られたバックは機能性と耐久性に秀でています
The tool back that had you produce it with the Article 3 ・" Igarashi mechanic cloth who continued making the work bag of the craftsmen such as carpenter tools.
The canvas cloth which I finished weaving in twill fabrics has strength more, and the back made with needlework cultivated for many years excels in functionality and the durability.
Size : 内寸:L 41.5 x W 19 x T 29 cm
Material:綾織帆布,プラスチック板, 止め金具
Color:ブラック/ 生成り 全2種
made : 新潟・三条 (五十嵐工布)
"The Igarashi koufu" which I continued making a workbag for from approximately 60 years ago. It is still the contents that it should be said, the work to perform the most of the process only by the manual labor of approximately ten craftsmen in local company factory "is right simple and sturdy".
It is the form that usually demanded usability from a messenger in the case of outdoor errand or outing.
I am stronger in abrasion, and a uniqueexpression
appears by canvas to weave in twill fabrics .
Processing to watch a plastic board in both back sides, and to prevent strength and getting out of shape.
Because it is in condition to have become independent even if I do not put a thing, I can utilize it like a cellar and a magazine rack in a house.
ノートパソコン、大型本、衣類等 たくさん入る容量です
It is capacity to receive for the lots such as a note PC, a large-scale book, clothing.