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"kasuri" azuma bag

It is form to be created by seaming one piece of cloth together three-dimensionally.
A triangle is the lovely form that overlapped.
I walk well, but can receive the capacity compactly when I do not use it.
It is a convenient life tool.
-two tone-

柿渋 x 薄墨

薄墨 x 濃藍

薄墨 x 濃墨

薄墨 x 薄藍
2種類の生地を使用していることで自然な色合いのコントラストを感じることができます。 使い込むことで徐々に柔らかな肌触り心地になり、草木染めならでは色の変化も楽しんでご使用いただけます。
I can feel the contrast of a natural hue by using two kinds of cloth. It gradually becomes the soft feel feeling by embezzling it and I enjoy the change of the color by the dyeing with vegetable dyes and can use it
薄墨 x 水色藍
- shima -


The stripe patterns that indigo dyeing and the contrast of an ecru thread are unique are created. It gradually becomes the soft feel feeling by embezzling it and I enjoy the change of the color of the dyeing with vegetable dyes and can use it.
made : 新潟
colth made:広島
Size : L 39cm x W 25cm
Color:two tone(5種類) / shima(2種類)
Price : two tone / 3,600円(税抜)
shima / 3,800円(税抜)

生地生産の町として有名な広島県福山市にて、昔ながらの製法で作られた ”絣生地”
主として天然染料を用いた色染めのため、1つ1つの色合いに独特の色彩を見出すことができます。旧 式シャトル織機でゆっくりゆっくり織ることで、空気を含んだふんわり柔らかい風合いが表れます。また、しっかりとした生地厚の為、たいへん丈夫な布となります。
"Cloth with splashed pattern cloth" made with the traditional manufacturing method in famous Fukuyamashi, Hiroshima as a town of the cloth production.
For dyeing using the natural dye, a hue of one one canmainly find a unique color. A texture soft softly includingthe air appears in an old shuttle weaving machine by weaving it slowly slowly. In addition, for the cloth thickness which I did well, it is with very strong cloth.

I sew it with careful cutting by the woman staff in our store sewing studio. I try to make a definite article by careful handwork to the first and produce it.
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